Become a customer

To streamline the process of obtaining a quote from AGP, we've made it easy for our valued clients to submit their requirements. Follow the simple steps below to initiate the quoting process:


1. Download the RFQ and AGP Customer Sideletter:

Click on the links provided to download the Request for Quote (RFQ) and AGP Customer Sideletter. These documents are crucial in ensuring we have all the necessary details to tailor our offerings to your specific needs.

[Download RFQ]
[Download AGP Customer Side letter]

2. Complete the Required Information:

Open the downloaded documents and fill in all the necessary details. Make sure to provide comprehensive information to ensure an accurate and tailored quote that meets your specific requirements.

3. Submit via Email:

Once you’ve filled out the RFQ and signed the AGP Customer Sideletter, attach the completed documents to an email. Send the email directly to

Our dedicated team will promptly review your information and respond with a customized quote.

Thank you for choosing Atlas Group Product Limited as your supplier of choice.

We look forward to the opportunity to serve you and meet your unique needs.